BOOK NOW! Control Food Cravings, Naturally Recorded Program @INR 624/- INR 312/-

Control Food Cravings, Naturally

Recorded Program

Discover Transformative Natural Ways to Take Charge of Your Eating Impulses
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There are no quick fixes or tricks to distract yourself from cravings. In this workshop, we will uncover the real ā€˜causes behind cravingsā€™. And, give you a 1-week action plan to ā€˜Beat Your Food Cravings, Naturallyā€™

ThisĀ Program Will Help You:

  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet every day
  • Switch to nutritious snacking between meals
  • Understand the ā€˜science behind cravingsā€™ and manage them effortlessly

By Wellcure Health Coaches

  • Natural Health Experts
  • Nutritionists and Dietitian
  • Plant-based Holistic health Coaches
Program Price: INR 624/-

Discounted Price: INR 312/-

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50% Discount Included
Do you know what are the most common food cravings?


Sugary, salty, fried, and fatty foods. Learn to get over cravings with experts:

ProgramĀ Schedule: 2 Recorded Zoom Sessions

RecordedĀ Session 1: Topics

  • Understand cravings
  • Craving-inducing foods
  • How ā€˜Toxinsā€™ are the causes and solutions of all cravings?
  • Do you need to detox to control cravings?
  • Overeating Vs eating right
  • Why do we feel hungry?
  • How do our bodies signal hunger and fullness?
  • 5 elements of nature - the Panchamahabhutas
  • DIY Natural therapies to control cravings
    • Yog Nidra
    • Hydrotherapy
RecordedĀ Session 2:Ā Topics

  • Principles of cleansing
    • Acid - alkaline balance
    • Gut health
  • How to keep health sustainable?
  • How do our thoughts food cravings, and portions?
  • How does your environment affect your eating habits?
  • Creating a supportive food environment at home/workplace
  • Gut meditation
  • Experience sharing
Program Price:Ā INR 624/-

Discounted Price: INR 312/-

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2Ā Recorded Sessions

Gut MeditationĀ 

Probiotic Recipe E-Book

Diet Plan: ā€˜Beat Your Cravingsā€™

Disclaimer: All our programs are based on diet and lifestyle changes, as per nature cure. The corrective measures and suggestions by our health experts may differ for different people, resulting in varying healing outcomes / health results, depending on a person's health condition, body type and health goals.


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