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We cured our daughter’s typhoid naturally

health journey health journey diabetes Nov 25, 2024
We cured our daughter’s typhoid naturally

All parents worry when their child is down with sickness. 7 year old Nandini’s parents were worried too when a 2 week old fever showed no signs of abating. Though the fever was diagnosed as typhoid, they decided to trust the body’s innate healing capacity and let the healing happen naturally, without medicines. How did Nandini’s parents do it? What action did they take? Read her story to know more.

Nandini Bhatia
7 years, Student
Noida, UP

(Nandini’s story as narrated by her mother Parul Ojha)

Nandini is a chirpy 7 year-old girl. She loves to play, to assist in daily household chores and tries her hand at experimental cooking. She loves drawing and is inspired by nature especial by animals.

Recurring fever

In March 2018 she had fever running for a week. Prior to this fever came in the normal cycle, erupting for a couple of days and subsiding on its own with no intervention. Based on Nandini’s brother, Avi’s health journey, we had learnt that body heals itself and medicines only suppress symptoms without addressing the root cause.

The diagnosis

It had been one week since Nandini had fever, and still there were no other symptoms except some loss of appetite. It was gradually becoming worrying as 2 weeks passed and mid-high fever 100-102F persisted.

This was a testing time as the pressure from family on getting the diagnostic tests done was mounting up. Her loss of appetite resulted in weight loss, which was even more evident on her lean frame. She was no longer her lively self and wanted to rest through the major part of her day. Finally, we gave into family pressure and got the diagnostic test. It turned out to be Typhoid.

Choosing the natural way of healing

This was a big shocker and family insisted to start medication immediately. We were confused as we had rarely given her medications in past. This was the first time she had a major illness.

We consulted a natural health expert - The Health Awareness Centre, Mumbai. They guided us that Fever is the body’s self-healing mechanism for all viral/bacterial infections including Typhoid, malaria and dengue. The body creates fever to kill harmful pathogens and detoxify. It is similar to boiling water for purification.

The advice was simple - REST (Digestive), REST (Physiological) and REST (Physical).


Digestive rest through raw fruits and salads because they take the least amount of digestive energy while providing nutrition.

Coconut water for replenishing fluids in the body.

Soups and steamed potatoes whenever she was hungry.


Besides food, we ensured she had sun exposure of 30 minutes during sunrise and sunset. We also gave her solar charged water (keeping water in a glass bottle and exposing to the sun for a day).


Prior to our consultation with health experts, we were putting ice packs on head to bring down fever. We were advised there is no need to bring the fever down unless it’s very high (above 103 f). We need to facilitate the body’s healing mechanism.We applied normal temperature wet packs on stomach and feet. This supported the entire digestive system to clean and help the body to repair.

Within two weeks fever started to gradually come down. She regained her appetite.

Our body has the innate wisdom to heal

The entire cycle took one month and it was testing time for us. This experience reaffirmed our belief that the body heals itself. Body’s wisdom knows when to create fever, what level of temperature and any other supporting mechanisms. We just need to have faith in its wisdom, which is beyond us to comprehend.

(The above story is about Nandini Bhatia, as narrated by her mother Parul Ojha. Parul is a post graduate in finance & marketing, she works with a leading multinational UK bank. She is a proud mother of two beautiful kids and loves to do creative writing in her free time.)

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