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Seeking the Right Balance

health blog health blog balance Dec 30, 2024
Seeking the Right Balance

In this blog, I share the small changes I made in my life for better health and balance. Less is more and little things done right daily can overtime, bring big changes into one’s life.

The Bhagawad Gita, chapter 6 verse 17, says, “The one whose diet and movements are balanced, whose actions are proper, whose hours of sleeping and waking up are regular, and who follows the path of meditation, is the destroyer of pain and unhappiness.”

In today’s lifetime, when we are just eating more, sleeping less, and all the toxic gadgets have paved their way in to make our lives more vulnerable to the word “dis-ease”, this verse makes so much sense.

This is very important to understand as we all are running behind excess monetary pleasure instead of finding the bliss of satisfaction in little things. Nobody knew about the word anxiety until every fourth person started suffering from it.

Why are we not finding enough happiness in little things, as less is always more? I tried to make several changes, in my routine which is simple but brought a lot of benefits.

Eating less is always beneficial:

Eating less is always found to be helpful. Our body needs to be in a state of relaxation after eating a complex diet. Our body is made in a way that it can easily digest something lighter and absorb a good amount of nutrients. However, we tend to eat a lot of starchy and fatty food which puts extra pressure on the body.

This, in turn, makes our body more sluggish and lethargic. Dairy products like cheese and paneer are examples of the Tamasic diet which tends to make our activities sluggish. Hence, I tend to avoid them in my diet.

Overeating is another such thing we have to combat. That was my first step towards healthy eating.

Sometimes we feel that we are not having enough so after some time we load with another meal. Our body takes at least 1 to2 hours in digesting our food, so overeating by loading on food with a meal after meal tires the body. Keep at least 2-3 hours of the gap in between meals before loading, in case of having a complex diet our body will take at least 4 hours to digest, please give that much rest to the body.

I made sure of having a pattern of an alternate meal. I start my day with something light like a vegetable juice, as our body has gone into an overnight process of heavy cleansing. After lunch which includes the right type of nutrients with a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fats, I make sure during snack time to have a bowl of corn, makhana or sprouts.

Even if you skip dinner it will only help in giving your body a complete rest. I started with initially having a bowl of vegetable salad which helped me keep my GUT healthy and relaxed.

Exercising Pattern which helps in reaping more benefits:

If one wants to exercise daily, scheduling it will help.

Yes, we all want that nice figure where we get our body toned up. But how do we prepare our bodies for it? What is the right way to exercise?

The best time to exercise is in the morning or if you have enough time - in the evenings. During the evening time keep a two hours gap after a meal. Ideally, exercise should be designed in a manner, that each body part is given enough attention and the muscles get enough stretching.

Here is the exercise pattern which I started following In order to have an ideal weight and muscle tonicity.


Squats, lunges- 2 sets each.


Shoulder raise, rotation, arms weight training.


Push up, pull-ups,2 sets each.


Jogging, running.


12 sets of Suryanamaskar.




Brisk walk for 30-45 minutes.

Sleeping Right:

We have been living for so many years but what is our understanding of the pattern of sleep or its benefits?.

Sleep is the time when our hormones are prepared for the next day, in sleep when our external body is at rest and rejuvenating to work in a better and healthier way.

A good sleep requires a gadget-free room, a totally sound mind, and our body completely at rest. One Sleep cycle comprises of 90 minutes. This 90-minute cycle includes all the restoration of our activities throughout the day in our memory. You need 5 times of this 90 minutes cycle during sleep time.

Waking up during the time of sunrise is obviously healthier, and brings in discipline, not only that, we should sun bask for 15 minutes in the early morning sun. Going for a brisk walk in the morning is the right thing way to start the day This routine helped me in completing more tasks every day.

Mindful meditation

Mindful meditation has become very popular. What does mindfulness mean? How does it help?

To be aware of something mindfully means when you are completely living in that moment. In Japanese philosophy, there is a simple ritual of having every bite with full awareness. It helps in giving the body complete relaxation.

That is what mindfulness meditation is all about, here is a simple trick which will help in doing it.

Before going to bed I started with 15 minutes of breath awareness. Our breathing will start becoming deeper and deeper. Slowly each and every wave of our breathing will make us aware of where the nostril is taking in oxygen and reaching to your lungs. This simple 15-minute exercise before going to bed will help you in understanding mindful meditation and helps you in reaching ideal health.

Taking in the right amount of water:

A balanced body needs hydration. A hydrated body helps you to achieve your goals, you’re able to plan, you are able to have an ideal state of health.

Our body is made of 70%, Blood constitutes of 5-6 liters of water so we need water from raw fruits and vegetables to flush out the toxins from the blood daily.

By making these little changes in my daily routine, I am trying to seek the right balance andachieve health.

( About Dr. Khushbu Suthar:I am a Homeopathic Practitioner with a specialization in Diet Planning and Nutrition from Mumbai. I hold a degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and by amalgamating these three, my aim in life is to research mind, Body, and Soul. Flamboyant colours of vegetables and Vivid Psychology of Human mind is what enchants me. An avid explorer of healing now practicing in Bikaner and learning to get the best of both Beaches and dunes).

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