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Overcoming thyroid issues with Nature Cure

health journey health journey thyroid Nov 22, 2024
Overcoming thyroid issues with Nature Cure

Priyanka had conquered rheumatoid arthritis in 2018. Her next goal was to win from chronic thyroid issues that had been troubling her for many years. Even though she had been following a natural lifestyle, she had a little idea that a combination of adopting natural products & therapies and her love for her child will serve as the source of her healing from thyroid. Read her moving story here.

Priyanka Kaushik
39 years, Home Maker

The most magical day of my life was when I became a mother. Being a mother is an indescribable feeling of pure love that only exits between a mother and her child. Yet motherhood isn’t always easy. We all have struggles but surely in my life, my son has come as a blessing. My life since then, just revolves around my son, always busy with him and for him. Preparing his food, his shower-time, park-time, sleep time, I am always deeply engrossed in the routine. Working tirelessly, still, never tired. His love is my tonic which energizes me always.

One fine afternoon, when my son was sleeping, suddenly a thought came to my mind that I was not taking my thyroid pills. "God!" But the next thought was "I don’t feel the need to." "Is my thyroid gland healthy now?" I asked myself. Maybe, because for days, I never felt the need for the thyroxin. Keeping my fingers crossed I got my test done and Wow! My thyroid report was normal. 


For more than a decade I had been on thyroxin but my dosage was always stable at 25 mcg. During pregnancy, it was increased and post-delivery my dosage had been 75 mcg. I did everything I knew to get rid of this thyroid pill but nothing actually worked. But one fine day, it was a story of the past. 

Since 2018, I was following a natural lifestyle which helped me cure my rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (Read my journey of overcoming arthritis here) but my thyroid issue still prevailed. All the experts used to infuse courage in me that when I could manage to overcome RA, thyroid was nothing and I would be able to beat it soon.


As a family, we had already made some changes in our food from the time I healed myself from arthritis:

  • We consumed a lot of seasonal fruits.
  • We cut-off dairy from our diet.
  • White salt was replaced by rock salt.
  • White sugar was replaced by jaggery.

Chemicals in home & personal care products

I came across a video by Dr Nandita Shah in which she had explained how the chemicals used in household items disrupt the functioning of our hormones. Since thyroid is closely linked with hormonal health, I decided to remove chemical-based items from my home.

  • I stopped using floor cleaners and used water with rock salt instead.
  • I let go of all my cosmetics and began using homemade remedies for skin and hair care. I used a paste of amla, shikakai, methi, and neem powder with water and applied it to my hair. After continuous usage, it added volume to my hair. For my face, I used a combination of besan, amla powder, orange peel powder and turmeric that helped in reducing pigmentation on my face.

Naturopathy therapies

I consulted Dr Salila Tewari, a renowned naturopath, and started practicing a few naturopathic therapies regularly - ujjai breathing, tel neti, jal neti, enema and gargling. These therapies helped by body accelerate the cleansing process.

The results

Spending a lot of time happily with my son, eating a diet of primarily Natural Foods, and subsequently removing chemical based home and personal care products and doing therapies regularly over a period of three months, – One fine day I realised that my fatigue had disappeared. I sensed that my need for medicine had disappeared completely. Soon after, in Nov 2019, I took up a thyroid test and was amazed to see that my test reports were completely normal.

My message

Our body needs to be in a state of balance to be healthy. We rarely try to focus on our mental peace (emotional health) and hardly slowdown in life to assist our body to maintain that healthy state. I had always been a sensitive person, sensitivity further leads to over-thinking which, of course, disrupts the functioning of our glands, if not corrected. To get that balance back into my life, my son has played a very important role. For it is always him who keeps me busy and occupied and also, it is he who taught me that it is beautiful it is to be in the present moment.  His presence in my life had changed my outlook towards life. I don’t mind postponing important work and focusing on him instead, as I know my real joy is him and his company. Before his birth, I was a professor at a university of biotechnology & management. Taking up regular lectures made it difficult to take proper rest, but the time I spent with my child gave me the necessary healing that my mind, body and soul needed. 

Through my journey, I would like to convey that we need to correct our lifestyles, but also, we need to focus on our emotional health. In my case, motherhood has been a boon that helped me overcome my thyroid issue, but in your case, it could be something else. We just need to slow down and look for that beautiful reason.

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