Exam stress? Let Nature’s laws guide you
Dec 30, 2024
Worried about upcoming exams? This article discusses what steps one can take to make this time of the year a bit easier. The scope of this article is not about tips to ace your exam, instead it looks at how when we work with nature’s laws exam time becomes easier. This article is aimed at parents/guardians of students who may be appearing for an exam.
It’s that time of the year again when exam fever is upon all students. From Feb to May, millions of students go through the motions of exam prep- long hours of studying, brain storming, last minute notes exchanging and cramming, consuming many cups of tea and coffee for late nights, taking mock tests and finally taking up the exams. It’s a stressful time for many and nowadays, it seems that the most stressed of all are the parents!
Vitality management
Our body has a fixed quota of vitality or life force given to us at birth. The body draws energy from this life force to do all of its functions – digestion, elimination, movement, thinking etc. Doing well on your exam day depends a lot on how much energy or life force you can conserve so that more can be expended during the important days of the exam.
The blood is 90% water. Smooth flow of blood to reach and nourish all parts of the body depends on how its hydration level. The body gets hydrated from natural water available in fruits and vegetables, consumed preferably in raw form. Raw foods also take the least vitality from the body as they are easy to digest in particular fruits, as they are pre-digested by nature already.
Give your child a lot of seasonal fruits offered as is or as smoothies and juices. Since its almost summertime, you can also make delicious desserts with fruits like fruit popsicle, slush etc.
Vegetables can be offered in the form of salads, curries, veg juices. Do not forget to add their daily dose of greens.
Healthy fats like coconut, soaked seeds and nuts can be used for salads and nut milk to keep them interested in salads and also for the brainpower they need. The brain is the most energy-consuming organ of the body. Unlike oils, fats in the whole form do not make the mind and body sluggish.
Remember never to overfeed your child out of concern if he/she is not hungry. When the body is not hungry, offering even the best food is not wise as it becomes toxic for the body. Plus, it drains the body’s vital energy.
Nature time
Long hours of studying and indoor time pouring over books can upset the body’s cycles which depend on sunlight exposure for the internal biological clock to work properly.
Help your child get the vital power of nature by:
- Opening the windows and letting light stream in first thing in the morning for a gentle wake up
- A short brisk walk in the early morning before hitting the books
- Study outdoors in natural light instead of indoor artificial lights
- Getting in touch with the Earth helps in draining all the negative nervous energy. This can be achieved by relaxing or lying down on grass, walking barefoot on soil, touching trees, plants, smelling flowers. All this brings back freshness to tired and overworked bodies and minds
There is no area of life in which fresh air, sunshine and greenery cannot work their magic.
Activity time
All work and no play indeed makes one dull and overheats the brain. Let your child let off steam periodically by going out and enjoying an outdoor game, cycling, a run or just jumping jacks. Let stagnant muscles stretch by simple pushups, squats or burpees. Plus, exercise is known to reduce stress.
Social and relaxation time
When I was in my 10th standard, my dad applied for leave from his office to ‘help’ me concentrate. It had the opposite effect on me as I felt smothered and stressed out.
Be there for your child but help his mind digress a bit by talking about topics other than studies, marks and exams. Let them enjoy time out with friends, grandparents, pets etc. during study holidays. Too much studying can have a deadlock effect whereas a relaxed mind can remember and focus better. When the brain is in ‘diffused mode’ during relaxation, neurons make connections between all that one has learnt in chunks and helps in information retention.
Remember Archimedes had his Aha! moment when relaxing in his bathtub!
Sleep time
Research has shown that assimilation of what has been learnt happens majorly during sleep. The best ideas, solutions and clarity come after a restful sleep. Let your child take naps if the body so indicates. Sleeping early before 10:00 p.m or even 9:00 p.m and awakening with the Sun is far better than sleeping and getting up late unrefreshed as the body doesn’t need to spend vital energy working out of rhythm.
Importance of proper posture
When our children have to spend a lot of time pouring over books and laptops, the wrong body posture adopted over many hours enervates the body making it tired and achy. Free flow of energy is disrupted.
Explain to them the importance of an erect spine and proper body posture, so they can manage the long sitting hours better. Periodic breaks and stretching the neck and shoulder muscles help blood flow better and helps conserve vitality.
Relieving tired eyes
Eye strain due to long close up work can be relieved by frequently washing them with cold water, cucumber or potato packs on the eyes, palming, looking far away at the greenery and other pleasant scenery. Frequent blinking of eyes to keep them hydrated also helps a long way in providing relief.
Our children are smart enough to learn and remember things they love. The examination system nowadays is an unnatural way of testing. However, when we are in this matrix, our love, reassurance, support and positivity will help them sail through it.
All the best to all students and parents.
(About me: I am a Wellness enthusiast, wellness coach and a lifelong student of learning from Nature. I follow nature cure principles and believe nature is our true healer and greatest teacher. I help others to lead a nature synced lifestyle.)
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