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Yellow Pumpkin & Methi Salad

healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes salads recipes Sep 14, 2020
Yellow Pumpkin & Methi Salad
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No cooking involved
Servings: 1 Serving

A simple way to add the nutritious pumpkin in its raw form into your meals.


For salad

  • Yellow pumpkin (use the outer peel too)  - about 150 g (grated)
  • Onion chopped - 1 
  • Tomato chopped - 1 
  • Minced garlic (finely minced) - 4 pods
  • Methi leaves (raw) - 8-10 (chopped)
  • Spring onion - to garnish 

For Dry flakes

  • Grated coconut (fresh) - 3 tbsp
  • Saunf-1/2 tsp, garlic-1-2 pods
  • Coriander leaves (chopped) - 2 tbsp


  • To make Dry flakes: In a mixie, put all the dry flake ingredients and grind to get a coarse paste.
  • To make the salad: Mix all the salad ingredients and dry flakes. Garnish with finely chopped spring onion.

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