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Tamarind Water from dunes

dairy free recipes healing recipes healthy drinks healthy recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes Jun 15, 2019
Tamarind Water from dunes
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 Servings

Tamarind water juice is explicitly made as part of a ritual on Akshaya Tritiya (Akha Teej) in Rajasthan. This water became a ritual from ancient times, especially on this day concerning health benefits.

On this day, when the sun is high in the sky, and heat is killing, your body needs a natural coolant to regulate the temperature. Tamarind is your key to stay hydrated this summer.

Tamarind water has a lot of health benefits like fighting cancer, having anti-oxidants and lowering blood sugar level.


  • Tamarind 100g: One cup Soaked overnight
  • Water: 500 ml
  • Rock Salt: 1- 2 teaspoon
  • Black pepper powder: 1 teaspoon.
  • Honey if desired.


  • Use the overnight soaked tamarind, which is soft and mash it from your hand in the soaked vessel itself to extract the juice as much as you can.
  • Add 500 ml of water in the same mixture, Stir it for a while and Strain by extracting the tamarind water in a fresh bowl.
  • You can discard the residual overnight stayed tamarind.
  • Add Black pepper, Rock Salt and Honey (if desired)
  • Enjoy Your Sweet and Tangy Tamarind water by Adding Ice Cubes.

Eating Guide:

  • Best time to eat: Anytime during the day.
  • It can be good for people who are doing weight loss, in summers and in case you have any liver maladies.

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