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Sugar-Free Bel Juice

fruit juices & smoothies healing recipes healthy drinks healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes May 28, 2020
Sugar-Free Bel Juice
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1-2 Servings

Wood apple or bel is rich in nutrients and a great source of fiber, vitamins, calcium, and phosphorus. It is also nature’s wonder fruit for any stomach troubles. This bel juice recipe to prepare bel juice with jaggery as a sweetener makes it a great sugar-free summer cooler. Bel has a cooling effect on the body and is good for the stomach as well. Serve this homemade bel sharbat to your guests in place of aerated drinks or packaged juices, they may end up following you for the recipe!


  • Bel Fruit: 1

  • Honey: 2 tsp or per taste (Can use date paste or jaggery too)

  • Lemon juice: 2-3 tbsp as per taste

  • Water: 2-3 glasses

  • Cumin powder: 1-2 tsp or per taste


  • Break the shell – The shell is quite hard, you will need a belan to break it. Take help of cook or spouse if needed.
  • Scoop out the pulp from the fruit. Soak the pulp for 15-20 min (along with seeds), in about ¼ glass of water.
  • Mash it, strain it well (use your hands).
  • Add water, based on the desired consistency of sharbat.
  • Add honey, & roasted cumin powder, as per taste


The bel sharbat/ juice is ready. Refrigerate it & drink as per convenience. It easily lasts for at least 4-5 days. At the time of drinking, squeeze half a lemon or one per glass of this sugar free sharbat for a khatta-meetha flavor.

Eating Guide:

Food group: Fruit
Can be had during afternoons, evenings or even mornings or mid mornings.
Apt for summer season when Bel is in season, and when you crave something cold. Makes for a great drink post work out.
You can add mint and ice to add onto the taste.

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