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Spinach Walnut Dip - add greens to your plate!

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes May 27, 2019
Spinach Walnut Dip - add greens to your plate!
Prep Time: 02 Hour 10 minutes
Cook Time: No cooking involved
Servings: 2-3 Servings

Dips are a great way to add flavour and nutrition to your plate. Here’s a quick, simple recipe of Spinach Walnut dip that is sure to delight you! Fresh green leafy veggies like spinach as well as walnut are live foods. Unlike the store-bought, packaged dips, this homemade dip is free of any additives, colours or preservatives. Goes well with sliced crunchy veggies like carrots, turnips, beetroots, cucumbers. So ditch the packaged foods and whirl around a veggies snack alive with flavours and nutrients.


  • Spinach: 1 cup
  • Walnuts: ½ cup (soaked for 2 hours)
  • Garlic: 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • Green Chillies: 2 tbsp
  • Water: as required
  • Lemon juice: as per taste
  • Rock salt: as per taste


  • Wash the spinach thoroughly in freshwater. Keep it on a colander to strain. Once it's rid of the excess water chop roughly and steam for about one minute.
  • Put the soaked walnuts and garlic in a mixie jar and blend to a smooth paste.
  • As you blend, keep adding spinach alternatively and continue blending till the mixture is smooth and thick.
  • If required, add some water to make a smooth consistency.
  • Add lemon juice and rock salt as per taste.
  • Wellcure Tip: This recipe is flexible enough and you could change it with other ingredients like cilantro, basil, parsley, avocado.

    Eating Guide

  • Food Group: Vegetables (Greens) & Nuts
  • Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Consuming raw vegetables also adds live enzymes to your dietary intake.
  • Nuts are a natural source of good fats and are body-builders.
  • Incorporate this dip in your kids' meal plan on a regular basis.
  • Remember not to mix with fruits!

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