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Raw Pear Jam – Great way to have Seasonal Fruits!

dairy-free recipes dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Aug 19, 2019
Raw Pear Jam – Great way to have Seasonal Fruits
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 10 Servings

Seasonal fruits are not only available in abundance but are also the best food to have in a given season! While it is best to have whole fruits, you may try some variation for a change. So, have lots of pears when in season and you may choose to make this raw jam out of them!


  • Ripe pears: 3
  • Golden raisins:½ cup


  • Soak the raisins for an hour and squeeze out the water.
  • Chop the pears.
  • Blend with soaked raisins.
  • Check if you need more raisins for sweetness.

Wellcure Tips:

  • We have chosen golden raisins to retain the colour as much as possible. Black raisins or date paste can be used too but that will darken the colour.
  • Optional: Add 3 or 4 drops of lemon juice for more depth of flavour.
  • Any sweet seasonal fruit like mango, papaya, jackfruit can be used instead of pears or you can mix a combination of fruits.

Eating Guide:

  • Food Group: Fruits

  • Fruits are the easiest to digest and are packed with fibre & nutrition. Hence a great addition to your kids' intake.

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