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Oil-Free Stir Fry Veggies

curries and meals dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Dec 03, 2018
Oil-Free Stir Fry Veggies
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 3-4 Servings

Adding oil to stir-fry does not have to be obligatory; it is possible not to use oil in food preparation. In fact, refined oil which is neither a health food or whole food just adds more toxic digestive load on the body.

Oils and fats, though needed by the body are best to be derived from naturally available sources like nuts. We generally prefer to cook without oil or add just a dash of cold pressed oil for flavour, if at all!

It just takes a couple of trials to get used to cooking without oil. Discover the oil free way to stir frying your favourite combo of veggies!


  • Green onions – 3 (finely chopped)
  • Red pepper ½ medium (diced – medium pieces)
  • Baby bok choy, 1 bunch (chopped)
  • Yellow pepper ½ (diced – medium pieces)
  • Broccoli – 7-8 florets
  • Can use any veggie of choice
  • Garlic 5 cloves peeled and minced
  • Ginger – 1 inch (sliced in juliennes)
  • Chilli flakes – 1 tsp (to taste)
  • Crushed pepper – ½ tsp (to taste)
  • Dry oregano and Basil – ½ tsp (to taste)
  • Water (to use instead of oil). Can use home made vegetable broth too (adds a nice flavor)
  • Cold pressed oil 1 tsp – optional (only for glaze)
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon ½ lemon or to taste
  • Roasted sesame seeds: 2- 3 tsps (or as per taste)


  • Heat the wok well
  • Add onions, garlic, ginger – toss well. Allow flavors and fragrance to release
  • Sprinkle some water if sticking
  • Add all other veggies
  • Allow to cook – sprinkle water or vegetable broth to avoid burning. Keep on high flame
  • Add all spices
  • Add a dash of cold pressed oil if needed
  • Continue to cook at high flame
  • Switch off hob – add lemon juice.
  • Add basil leaves and sliced green onion for garnish
  • Sprinkle roasted sesame seeds

Serve hot !!

Eating Guide

  • Food group: Veggies and nuts
  • If you struggle to up, your nuts intake, sprinkling nuts on your regular veggies is a good way to combat this challenge.
  • Both veggies and nuts can be combined with other food groups including grains and lentils.
  • Stir frying veggies and keeping them crunchy, ensures you are retaining their water content and enzymes, both a must for good digestion! (and nourishment ofcourse)

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