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Oil-Free Sambar

curries and meals dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Sep 21, 2020
Oil-Free Sambar
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4-5 Servings

What if you could avoid using oil and prepare sambar the healthier way. Follow the recipe to discover the oil free way of preparing the much-loved sambar! This recipes uses no oil at all, and all the veggies along with the onion is ‘dry fried’ & cooked in the wok. This ensures the water content and enzymes of the veggies is retained.Taste and texture wise this keeps the veggies slightly crunchy. If you like your veggies soft in a sambhar, steam them in a steamer.


  • Cauliflower florets: 7-8
  • Onion: 1
  • Tomatoes: 3 diced
  • Curry leaves: 5-6
  • Drumsticks: 2 cut lengthwise
  • Carrots and beans: 150 grams cut lengthwise (You can pick any vegetable of your choice)
  • Arhar Dal (lentils): 2 cups/300 gms
  • Tamarind pulp: 1 cup
  • Mustard seeds: 2 tsp
  • Coriander powder: 1-2 tsp
  • Chilli powder: 1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder: ½ tsp
  • Sambhar masala powder: 3-4 tsp
  • Rock salt as per taste


  • In a mixer, grind the tomatoes and red chilli powder to make it a fine paste.
  • Wash and cook Aahar dal with a pinch of turmeric in a pressure cooker (You can also soak overnight and cook the daal next day without pressure).
  • Once the dal is cooked, mash the dal and give it a paste like texture.
  • Soak tamarind in water for 10-15 minutes, mash it well after soaking and filter out the pulp.
  • Mix tamarind pulp and the dal and keep it aside.
  • In a wok, dry fry mustard seeds, add onions and saute well.
  • Add the cauliflower florets and cook for 5 min.
  • Add the drumstick pieces and cook for 2 min.
  • Add the carrot & beans and cook for another 2 min.
  • Add the tomato paste to the masala and saute it and keep cooking in simmer.
  • Add the sambhar masala to this mix, add coriander powder, curry leaves and salt to the mix and cook for couple of minutes.
  • Now add the dal/tamarind mix to the masala and allow the whole mix to cook for few minutes in a simmer.

Oil free sambhar is ready to be eaten with hot idlies!!! Yummy!!!

Eating guide:

Food group: Vegetables & Lentils
Vegetables are highly alkalising foods, helping our bodies balance our internal PH.
Steaming or light cooking the veggies ensure you are able to retain the enzymes and the nourishment - making it easier for the body to complete its nutritional profile intake.
Lentils act as body builders, best to consume more of whole lentils instead of split.

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