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No Dairy Cheese Sauce - A Healthy Alternative to Regular Cheese!

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Aug 18, 2019
No Dairy Cheese Sauce - A Healthy Alternative to Regular Cheese!
Prep Time: 04 Hours 20 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings

Just because you quit dairy doesn’t mean you need to forgo the simple joys of life. Imagine a cheesy sauce without dairy; add to it the goodness of vegetables. Indulge without fear of excess fat, unhealthy ingredients. Made with simple ingredients and just blended together. No one can tell it doesn’t have cheese;) use it on pasta to make Mac n cheese, use it as a dip with nachos, use it as a dressing to spruce up any salad.


  • Cashews: 1/3 cup
  • Potatoes: 1 cup (cubed)
  • Onions: ½ cup (cubed)
  • Carrots: ½ cup (cubed)
  • Garlic: 4 cloves
  • Chilli flakes: ½ tsp
  • Chilli powder: ½ tsp
  • Coconut milk: 1 cup
  • Lime juice: 1.5 tbsp
  • Rock salt: to taste
  • Water: as required


  • Soak cashews for 4 hours.
  • Boil potatoes, onions and carrots in just enough water in an open pan until they are cooked soft.
  • Once cooled, place the boiled vegetables, with remaining water, soaked cashews, and all the other ingredients except coconut milk and blend well until smooth. Add the coconut milk little by little to get the desired consistency.
  • The cheese sauce is ready to use as you would like to.

Eating guide

  • Food group: nuts and vegetables
  • Great replacement for dairy-based cheese.
  • Nuts are a great source of natural fats and hence must be added to kids dietary intake.
  • Could be combined with your cooked meals.
  • Remember not to have with fruits.

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