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Natural moisturiser

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Jul 13, 2019
Natural moisturiser
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Servings: Lasts for a long time

This is a skin moisturiser that I learnt from my friend Vardhini. It’s quite strong and best for people with a dry skin issue. The essential oils makes this quite aromatic to use too. It’s quite greasy because of the Shea and a little goes a long way. It can be used as a night cream for people with rough and cracked hands. I have rough hands and with gardening and other tasks, I tend to wash my hands quite often and even without soap it stays rough. So after using this, my hands are better moisturised. It’s best to stay away from chemical soaps and shampoos. You can play around with the quantity of the ingredients and make this adjust for your skin type. 

Check out my hair / hand / body wash recipe here that’s raw and natural. This can be used instead of soaps. I have been using it as an all purpose wash. My hair and skin remains soft silky and smooth after using this for more than a year now. My kids love the aroma of lime after wash.  Most of them who have used this has given me a great feedback 


  • 1/2c Shea butter ( Amazon )

  • 1/4c cold pressed coconut oil

  • 1/4c extra virgin olive oil / almond oil

  • 15 drops Argan oil ( optional )

  • 15 drops essential oil of your choice ( I have used lemon) ( optional)


  • Keep a vessel of water on the stove and place another steel vessel on that. Idea is to ensure that the bottom of the second vessel gets heated with the steam from the first. ( double boiler method ).

  • Put all the oils except the argan and essential oil and melt and mix them completely. Shea butter is solid at room temperature. Switch off the stove after they mix well.

  • Once they cool, add essential oils. Essential oils are optional. They give that good fragrance to the moisturizer. If you use this for babies ( infants and toddlers), you can avoid the essential oils.

  • Optional step - if you have an electric beater/whipper, whip this till it gets a nice pale colour - about 5 mins.

  • You can keep it out or refrigerate and use this on any part of your skin guilt-free.

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