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Millet Dessert - Dairy-Free | Refined Sugar-Free

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes millet recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Sep 02, 2019
Millet Dessert - Dairy-Free | Refined Sugar-Free
Prep Time: 05 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Servings: 1 Serving

Dairy-free, refined sugar -free, grain-free, gluten-free and a yummy finger licking dessert!! Can it get any better)?

Millets are a great way to replace grains. Here is a quick to make and great to taste dish to woo your families and friends. Goodness of millets, richness of nuts and sweetness of jaggery - that’s a killer combination you can’t go wrong with.

Learn more about millets here -Curious about millets.


  • Kodo Millet/Little millet/barnyard millet: ½ cup( cooked)
  • Organic jaggery powder: 1/3 cup
  • Cashew powder: 1/3 cup
  • Cardamom: 1 no.(powdered)


  • In a pan place the jaggery and the cooked kodo millet or millet of your choice, on slow flame.
  • Keep stirring until the jaggery is fully melted and mixed well with the millets.
  • Mix in the cashew nut powder and the cardamom powder.
  • Serve sprinkled with chopped nuts.

Wellcure Tip:

  • You could use a combination of cashew and almonds instead of just cashew nut powder.
  • Increase the quantity of the jaggery if you like it really sweet.

Eating guide:

  • Food group: Millets.

  • Millets are gluten free, rich in fibre and high on nutritional value. They are a good option to add variety to your meals or when you want to go grain free.

  • Replace them in recipes that call for rice.

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