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Khatta Meetha Imli (tamarind) Chutney - Make It Sugar Free

dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Jun 15, 2020
Khatta Meetha Imli (tamarind) Chutney - Make It Sugar Free
Prep Time: 2 hour 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4-6 Servings

Why eat processed refined sugar,which has so many additives which could even act as allergens! Make this traditional tamarind chutney (Imli chutney), either with date paste or jaggery, and go all natural. A must have dip for almost all Indian snacks. Stock your fridge with the khatta meetha imli chutney regularly as it adds that oomph to a salad or snack. Even though this recipe is as simple as mixing jaggery and spices into tamarind puree, its tasty secret lies in use of black salt. The combination of jaggery and black salt provides a taste and flavor that no other ingredient can, read below to get the complete this sugar free chutney recipe.


  • Tamarind: ½ cup
  • Jaggery: ¾ cup **
  • Red Chilli powder: 1 tsp
  • Cumin powder:1 tsp (roasted)
  • Water: 1 ½ cup
  • Black salt: ¼ tsp
  • Ginger powder: ½ tsp
  • **You can use date paste instead. Click here for date paste recipe.


  • Soak tamarind for 2 hours. Mash, deseed and sieve well.
  • Boil the pulp in a wok, on low flame. Add jaggery & water.
  • Add the masalas and boil for another 10 minutes. Switch off gas and cool down.
  • Can store in fridge for a two to three weeks.Enjoy the chutney!

Eating guide:

  • This is a great addition to always have in your fridge.
  • Acts as a great savior for a dull salads! Make small batches over weekends.
  • Add to salads such as makhana munchies, black chana salad, white chana salad, peanuts masalas.
  • Or simply use this tamarind chutney as a side dish when having home made tikkis & soup dinner.

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