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Java plum jam / jamun jam

dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil free recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes Jul 10, 2019
Java plum jam / jamun jam
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 10-15 Servings

With every season comes a specific fruit because Mother Nature knows it all.
Java plum / jamun is the fruit of Rainy season. With the rains skin allergies start appearing and Jamun intake can bring a halt to it . Because jamun is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A , Iron , Manganese , Fiber and potassium .
All these Qualities aid to Skin Care by Boosting immunity . Weight loss , relieve in stomach ache , diabetes control are other benefits that come along.


  • Jamun (seedless) - 2 cups
  • Jaggery powder - 150 gm
  • Lemon juice - 2 table spoons


  • Cut Jamun into small pieces and remove the seeds.
  • Add half cup of water in it and boil it on medium flame till they get soft. Mash them properly.
  • Now add jaggery powder to the mix on medium flame.
  • When the paste gets thick add two tablespoon of lemon juice to it. Mix it well.
  • Store in a glass jar and let it cool down.

Enjoy the jam !!

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