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Jaljeera - all natural summer cooler

dairy free recipes healing recipes healthy drinks healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes Jul 02, 2019
Jaljeera - all natural summer cooler
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 Servings

This is yet another recipe that comes handy while transitioning to a natural lifestyle. It makes for a great summer cooler that can easily substitute your colas this summer!

Jal Jeera is traditionally served as a welcome drink in summers. It is also helpful to consume it before a meal as it can build your appetite and activate your taste buds and digestive juices.

This much-loved Indian summer drink, Jal Jeera, literally translates to 'water' (Jal) and 'cumin' (jeera) in Hindi. However, the concoction is much more than a combination of cumin and water. It is spiced up with a combination of roasted cumin powder, ginger powder, herbs like coriander and mint, garam masala, chilli powder, pepper and black salt and given a sour flavour by using tamarind and dry mango powder.


For Soaking Tamarind

  • Hot water: ¼ cup
  • Tamarind: 1 tsp (tightly packed) for a more pronounced sourness, you can add ½ tsp or more tamarind

For making Jaljeera chutney

  • Mint leaves: ½ cup
  • Cumin seeds: 1.5 Tsp
  • Fennel seeds: 1 Tsp
  • Whole black pepper: ½ tsp
  • Asafoetida: 1 pinch
  • Black cardamom: 1 (outer coverremoved)
  • Amchur (mango) powder: 1 tsp
  • Chaat masala powder: 1 tsp
  • Black salt or rock salt as required

For making Jaljeera

  • Water: 1.5 cups
  • Boondi: 1 to 2 tsp or as required
  • Mint leaves: few (for garnish)


  • Soak tamarind in of hot water for about 20 min.
  • Wash the mint leaves thoroughly and blend into a fine paste. (Do not use the stems but just the leaves of mint. By using stem, jaljeera can become bitter).
  • Strain the soaked tamarind to remove any seeds or fibre. Mix this tamarind pulpwith the mint paste.
  • Add cumin seeds,fennel, black pepper, and the seeds from cardamom,amchur, chaat masala, asafoetida and black salt as required
  • Grind all the ingredients into a smooth chutney.
  • Add 1.5 cup of water to the chutney.
  • Mix well, add more salt or mango powder as per your taste.
  • Tasty Jaljeera is ready to be served. While serving jaljeera you can add some boondi, a pinch of chaat masala and a few mint leaves in each glass.
  • Boondi can be soaked in water for 20 to 30 min. Later squeeze the water and keep them aside.

Eating guide

  • Food group: Spices
  • Jaljeera is not only a refreshing, cooling drink for summers, but it also has wonderful digestive qualities. Hence could be had after meals to aid digestion.

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