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Homemade Energy Bar | Peanuts & Dates

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes snacks recipes Aug 13, 2020
Homemade Energy Bar | Peanuts & Dates
Prep Time: 01 Hours 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 3 Servings

A quick and easy, sweet and crunchy finger food. Easy to customize flavours. Sugar- free and kid-friendly.


  • Peanuts: ½ cup (roasted)
  • Dates: ½ cup (deseeded)
  • Sea salt/ pink salt: ¼ tsp
  • Nutmeg powder: ¼ tsp


  • Reserve 2 tablespoons of the roasted peanuts and pulse the remaining peanuts in your blender into a crumbly coarse powder. Place in a mixing bowl.
  • Crush the reserved peanuts to obtain big crunchy bits. This would result in the separation of the skin just blow them away.
  • Pulse the dates into a pulp without adding water.
  • Add the dates pulp to the pulsed peanut powder, crushed peanut bits, nutmeg powder, and salt and knead it all together.
  • It might look crumbly and not coming together initially. Just keep at it and you will have a nice ball of dough soon.
  • Flatten it on a greased tray or butter paper into a square, using a rolling pin. Use a knife to flatten the sides to get a sharp-edged square.
  • Freeze for an hour or more.
  • Cut into bars of sizes you like.
  • A little sprinkle of salt on the bars gives them a slight twist. Do give it a try.

Eating guide

  • Food group: Legumes (yes, peanuts are legumes)
  • Packed with nutrition, dates are a great replacement to processed white sugar.
  • Together they can be a great energy booster. Best to satisfy evening hunger pangs.

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