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Healthy kid's after school snack

dessert recipes dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes snacks recipes Feb 01, 2019
Healthy kid's after school snack
Prep Time: No Preparation Involved
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: ---

Children are tired and hungry when they get back home from school. They want something sweet, something filling, something fast. This dish is not only bursting with nutrition, but it is also so easy.


  • Date - 4
  • Avocado - One small (Optional)
  • Apple or Pears - 2


  • Soak dates in water for a couple of hours
  • Unpeel and cut avocado into pieces
  • Take half of an apple and slice into small pieces
  • Throw everything in the blender and whizz it up. This is the sweet dip
  • Cut the rest of the apples or pears into thin long slices
  • Serve the slices with the dip. Easy!

Additional tips:

  • Serve the fruit as slices or as rounds with the dip between two slices and call it a fruit sandwich.
  • Serve it at your kids birthday party for a healthy alternative.
  • Make the dip beforehand and carry it for travel to beat hunger pangs.
  • Use seasonal fruits - Strawberry, pineapple, guavas, persimmon work well too.

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