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Green Almond and Dates Milk

dairy free recipes dairy substitute recipe healing recipes healthy recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes Jul 06, 2020
Green Almond and Dates Milk
Prep Time: 2 hour 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1 Serving

This is a fresh and healthy alternative to the regular milk that we give to our kids. And guess what...your kid would finish it in one quick gulp because it gives a chocolatey and creamy taste (my daughter thought this is melted ice- cream😊). It is easier to digest and has a lot of nutritional value- a whole lot of fiber, vitamins and many more.


  • A handful of fresh green almonds- washed and peeled properly 
  • 3 nos. Dates
  • 1 glass of water


  • De-seed the dates
  • Boil 1/2 cup water and soak the de-seeded dates in it for 2 hrs (to make it soft and mushy for easy grinding)
  • Now in a blender add the almonds and the soaked dates and blend it thoroughly to make a smooth paste.
  • Strain the paste in a bowl and keep adding enough water while doing so (this gives a glass full of milk)
  • Your milk is ready. Ta-da!

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