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Chowli Bread – gluten free!

gluten-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes snacks recipes Jun 18, 2020
Chowli Bread – gluten free!
Prep Time: 10 hours
Cook Time: 15 minutes
 Servings: 2 Servings

Ever imagined bread without flour!! Bread without baking?? It is possible. And it’s tasty. It’s super easy and super simple. Try this and find out for yourself.


  • Lobiya/ black eyes peas: ½ cup
  • Rock salt: to taste
  • Cold-pressed oil:for greasing
  • Water: as required


  • Soak lobhiya in enough water for about 4-6 hrs.
  • Drain completely and rinse.
  • Grind the lobhiya into a smooth paste with enough water.
  • The paste should resemble the consistency of idli batter.
  • Add salt to taste and place the lobhiya batter in a warm place.
  • Allow to ferment for about 4-6 hours. (Duration would depend upon the weather where you live, we don’t want the batter getting too sour).
  • Grease a container and pour the batter into the container after stirring well.
  • Steam it for about 12-15 minutes.
  • Allow it to cool completely. Unmold and cut it to suit your requirement.
  • Toast it on a tawa to remove any extra moisture.
  • I used a round container and sliced it through the middle to get a thinner slice and made a vegetable sandwich with it with green chutney.

Eating guide:

  • Food group: legumes

  • They are best consumed soaked and cooked

  • With vegetables, it makes a wholesome meal.

  • Wonderful alternative to store-bought bread made of maida.

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