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Cabbage Face Mask - Natural Solution for Skin Tightening!

diy cosmetics healing recipes healthy recipes plant-based vegan recipes Sep 24, 2020
Cabbage Face Mask - Natural Solution for Skin Tightening
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1 time use

Try making this natural face mask at home and avoid using chemical-based cosmetics.

Cabbage contains a wide range of nutrients (such as vitamin A, C and E, sulphur and potassium), which offer wonderful cleansing effect and nourishes the skin. Multani Mitti works well to absorb excess oil from the skin and prevent mild forms of acne, such as pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.



  • Cabbage juice (freshly extracted) : 2 tbsp 
  • Multani Mitti: 2 tsp (powdered)
  • Honey: 2 tsp 


  • Mix freshly extracted cabbage juice with multani mitti and honey
  • Stir them to make a fine paste
  • The face pack is ready to be used   
  • To use: clean your face, apply the facemask and leave it for 15-20 min. Then rinse with plain water

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