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Brown Rice Pais or Brown Rice Semi-solid Kheer

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Sep 24, 2019
Brown Rice Pais or Brown Rice Semi-solid Kheer
Prep Time: 02 Hours
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings

As discussed earlier brown rice has a lot of health benefits. health benefits are largely due to it being a whole grain. According to various research studies conducted before, the fibre content in brown rice helps to lower cholesterol, helps in elimination of waste through the digestive tract thus increasing the peristalsis, promotes fullness which could help in reduction of body weight and could help in the management of obesity, and may help prevent in the formation of blood clots. Brown rice is considered a low "glycemic index" food which could be beneficial in the management of Diabetes. Brown rice is also rich in Vitamin B complex.


  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 3.5 cups Water
  • 1/2 cup Palm Jaggery
  • 1 teaspoon Cardamom (Elaichi) Pods /Seeds/
  • 1 cup Coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup Water

    To prepare the coconut milk, first, break the coconut and grate the full coconut and then grind the coconut in a mixer grinder and then extract the coconut milk from it. 1cup of milk could be obtained if one full coconut is used


  • To begin the preparation, first wash the brown rice well in water and soak for atleast 2 hours to make it soft in texture.
  • Now take the soaked brown rice in a pressure cooker and cook the rice by adding three and a half cups of water. Cook the brown rice well -atleast for five whistles, so that the rice gets soft in consistency and well cooked. (Ideally, pressure cooking is not a healthy way of cooking. Plan a little in advance, soak the rice for about 7-8 hours and steam it until soft)
  • While the rice is being cooked, you may take a saucepan on medium flame, add one fourth cup water and half a cup of palm jaggery and let the palm jaggery melt and be liquid in consistency. This will take about five to eight minutes on medium flame. If you like your payasam to be more sweet then you can add more jaggery.
  • Now, open the pressure cooker and mash the brown rice lightly using a potato masher so that the rice is softer in consistency. This could be alternatively done by using back of a larger cooking spoon.
  • Strain the jaggery water and mix it in with the rice. Add the cardamom powder to rice and jaggery mix. Simmer the rice and jaggery mixture for about 5 mins and add coconut milk.
  • Simmer till the dish becomes thick and creamy in consistency - about 5 minutes. Let the dish get to the consistency of a semi-solid form
  • Add the non-fried cashew nut and freshly cut coconut pieces to and and allow it to cook for 2-3 minutes so that rawness goes off. Once that is done you mayserve hot
  • It gives a delicious taste when served on a banana leaf

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