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Appendix - Demystified

health blog health blog appendix Dec 30, 2024
Appendix - Demystified

In my previous article on tonsils, I described the tonsils as a lymph node to drain the toxins from the head region. In this article, let's understand the function of the little known organ 'appendix' and the lifestyle changes required to keep it functioning well.

What is the appendix?

The vermiform appendix is a lymphatic structure too, 4 inches in length, a small worm-like appendage near the juncture of the small intestine and the large intestine (ileocecal valve), where the colon begins its upward journey.

History of the appendix

A research team traced the appendix back nearly 80 million years in evolutionary history as per an article from Science Daily. In fact, the appendix seems to have evolved at two separate times in two separate lineages. The first line in some of the Australian Marsupials and then evolved in the mammalian line that humans belong to.

Is it really vestigial?

Vestigial organs are the organs that have no apparent function and are considered to be the residual parts from our past ancestors which are expected to eventually diminish in size over a period in evolution. Charles Darwin said the appendix is vestigial in humans. He claimed it was leftover from when the cecum was its own separate digestive organ. The current studies show many more animals than previously thought have both a cecum and an appendix. This may mean the appendix isn't so useless after all.

The function of the Appendix

  • It is a major lymph node to the colon.
  • It secretes a lubricant to assist the colonic contents to move during its movement upward along the ascending colon.
  • The appendix secretions treat the contents of the large intestine for bacterial and pathogenic invaders and disinfect the contents so that the colon becomes a ‘clean environment’. It holds an array of good bacteria in the form of a thin layer of ‘biofilm’ composed of microbes, mucous and tissues inside and around the appendix. This helps to restore the flora in the GUT in times of imbalance. For example, when someone has diarrhoea, the good bacteria also get flushed out. This is when the appendix helps repopulate the GUT.
  • It secretes enzymes to aid the digestion in its final stages.

Causes for Appendicitis

Defective elimination due to the wrong lifestyle, in violation of vital economy, sets up serious intestinal putrefaction. When lifestyles involve consuming animal products such as meat which takes a lot of time to go out of the system, excessive eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, stool softeners, antibiotics, other animal protein like dairy, fish, eggs will clog the lymphatic nerve force at the appendix. All these cause constipation in this area. A sludge that the body cannot move. The colon wall begins to break down from this toxicity, loses strength, may form diverticulum (small pouches), and inflammation results. When cells of the appendix inflame and breakdown, we call this Appendicitis, a condition where the appendix becomes swollen, inflamed, and filled with pus.

If antibiotics are typically consumed at this stage, they kill the bacteria in the lymph node - appendix. As bacteria are vital to the health of the GI Tract to create a good Microbiome, it further adds to the problem in the body.


As the digestive highway in the colon is jammed, the body attempts to stop any more food from being and hence the brain gets the message to stop any feeling of hunger. It attempts all possible ways to disinfect and push the collecting metabolic wastes. It's not easy to conclude this as appendicitis as similar inflammations in the pelvic region such as UTI, ectopic pregnancies, kidney stones, gastroenteritis can also cause pains.

Typically, the symptoms are:

  • Dull pain in the umbilical area
  • Sharp pain in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.
  • Progressive pains
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nauseous
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Feeling of constipation
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing

Is surgery necessary?

Appendicitis is like a messenger to alert the person about the upcoming danger. Unfortunately, more often than not, the messenger gets killed by a procedure called “Appendectomy”.

Yes, in cases when the person has ignored all signs it becomes a site for inflammation, ulceration and death due to septicemia when the poisons get into the bloodstream. Although appendix is outside the colon and not connected to the colonic debris, the rupture can cause systemic damage across the body. It is a grey area to determine if the severity of the pain is due to the inflamed appendix or other causes. If the appendix is truly allowed to get to a state of severe inflammation, taking a risk at this stage is not worth it. It's best to reach the ER as soon as possible.

In the early stages, nature cure procedures under an able practitioner can be applied. It's very important to flush the lymphatic system by fasting the body with plain water and resorting to full rest. Hydrotherapy with local wet packs will reduce the inflammation. Enema must not be attempted at this stage. Once the pain reduces, complete juice fasting for 3-4 days followed by fruit fasting will help. Eventually, a complete lifestyle change is due.

Prevention is better than a reactive approach

We must remember that although it gets to a state of removal, removing it won’t resolve the cause. The other organs are still bathing in metabolic waste that the lymphatics did not get a chance to channel out.

  • Every cell in the body needs to eliminate and stay far away from its own metabolic waste. If the lymph nodes get clogged with their own metabolic acidic waste, it means your kidneys' filtering is also compromised. Hence, avoid more acid-forming foods by switching to an alkaline consumption of raw fruits, vegetables and greens until dinner. The body will hence repair itself when given a chance.
  • Avoid foods that clog the lymph nodes such as meat, gluten, excess refined starch, eggs, fish, dairy, refined and processed foods. These foods tend to become intestinal glue of putrefying plaque that does not get eliminated without assisted effort.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle. Exercise for at least 30 mins daily moving all the body parts. This moves the lymphatic wastes to proper channels.
  • Ensure that you have at least 2 bowel movements daily. If not, you are accumulating putrid waste.
  • Hydrate the body consciously with 3-4 lts of juices and plain water on a daily basis. You will see the beautiful effects that this can bring into your acidic body.

The spiritual significance of an Appendix

Holding onto unresolved and unexpressed pains tend to energetically manifest into physical issues that include the appendix. Spiritually, appendicitis reflects the pain of change manifesting in those individuals who consider themselves a sort of “appendix” either in their family or among their peers who are attached by circumstances but do not feel a part of it. Healing involves letting go of repressed feelings associated with isolation.


The solution to any inflammation is not the removal of a body part always. Remember most of the diseases in the body is due to dehydration and lack of seamless flow of energy. Lack of flow can be addressed by paying attention to healthy living conditions which channel thewastes at the right time. All the organs and glands work the way nature intended them to work, and every organ and gland serves a purpose. Protect your appendix by getting back to nature!

Follow a low-fat, zero oil, gluten-free, high raw, well-hydrated, whole food, active plant-based lifestyle.

Further reading

Evolution Of The Human

(About myself: Formerly I was with the IT industry for 2 decades and also have my venture on healthy vegan baking. I have suffered life-threatening allergies and survived twice. I learnt to heal naturally and applied the same on both my kids aged 13 &10. We as a family, live a healthy, disease-free lifestyle. Based on my experience and what I have gained from reading, I help others in reversing their ailments naturally and holistically.)

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