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Almond Milk (Dry Version)

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Aug 07, 2018
Almond Milk (Dry Version)
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1-2 Persons

Nuts are live foods, they are whole foods. Whether you are dairy free or are simply looking for some variation in your milk, almond milk is a highly nutritious option! Though there are couple of options available in stores, making your own almond milk is a great way to save money and avoid additives. As a bonus, you can use the leftover almond pulp to make almond flour for use in recipes!It is easy to make and has a light taste.Feel free to use it in place of regular milk in recipes and baking. Can be enjoyed cold or hot!


  • Almonds: ½ cup
  • Date Syrup: 1 tsp (or to taste)
  • Cardamom / elaichi: 1 (crushed)
  • Pan Patta: 1 (Optional)
  • Warm Water: 1 glass


  • Wash the almonds well, discard water.
  • Add into a blender. Add half of the warm water.
  • Blend well.
  • Add crushed cardamom.
  • Add the remaining water. Blend again.
  • Pour in a glass, add Date Syrup.
  • You can warm it up if you like your milk hot or put in the fridge if you prefer cool.

WellcureTip: For additional flavour, you could add paan patta while blending the almonds!

Eating Guide:

  • Food group: Nuts
  • Nuts & nut milks are great additions post meals at night time. Easy to combine with other food groups (except fruits), cashew milk can also be used to make yummy vegetable curries.
  • For nutmilks, use only one variety of nut; Don’t mix nuts.

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