9 Natural Ways To Prevent & Cure PCOS
Dec 26, 2024
1 in 5 Women in India Suffer From PCOS ~ An estimate by experts
PCOS is a hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age, that causes enlarged ovaries and the formation of cysts in the ovaries. It is not a disease but a syndrome, a condition that is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
What is PCOD - Polycystic Ovarian Disorder? Is it different from PCOS?
PCOD is a condition when cysts or poly-cysts are formed in ovaries. However, PCOS happens when your body is showing other signs as well, such as weight gain, hirsutism, abnormal periods, pigmentation marks etc. Basically, when PCOD flares up it is called PCOS.
Experts say that it can be controlled and reversed with the right diet & lifestyle. However, a worrying fact is that most women ignore the initial symptoms of PCOD/PCOS which can further aggravate it into a lifelong condition.
Greater awareness and open conversations are the need of the hour to prevent the growth of this syndrome in women. Read on to know all about the causes, symptoms, and cure of PCOS/PCOD.
What are the causes of PCOS?
The following factors contribute to causing PCOS:
A mother is likely to pass on this condition to her daughter
More than normal levels of androgens (male hormones) in female can result in PCOS
Insulin resistance: This causes excessive release of insulin in the body which gets converted to fats, hence leading to weight gain
Unhealthy diet
Lack of physical activity
Obesity: It is both a cause and a symptom of PCOS
What are the symptoms of PCOS?
Irregular or delayed periods: Excess androgens in women inhibit the release of the egg during the menstrual cycle
Skin & Hair issues: The same hormone causes unwanted facial hair, acne, and hair loss
Infertility: Cysts in ovaries & high androgens can prevent the production and timely release of eggs, hence creating problems in conceiving a baby
Weight Issues: Excessive weight or difficulty in losing weight, both can be a symptom of PCOS. Women tend to gain weight around their belly typically
Which health problems can arise due to PCOS?
Difficult Periods: PCOS can cause very heavy or painful periods
Lifestyle diseases: Women with PCOS are at a risk for Diabetes, Obesity, High BP, High Cholesterol, and Heart Diseases
Uterine Cancer: Irregular periods can cause the lining of the uterus to pile up (which is otherwise shed during each period), leading to cancerous growth
Depression & Anxiety: Hormonal imbalance and bad skin/ hair can cause women to stress, depression, and anxiety.
Sleep Apnea: This is a condition when your breathing stops/ pauses while sleeping. Women who are obese and have PCOS are at 5-10 times higher risk for sleep apnea than others.
How can PCOS be controlled or prevented?
Medicines can only help alleviate the symptoms of PCOS and not cure the condition. Nature Cure therapies and diet are effective in relieving the symptoms as well as cure the disorder:
Nature cure focuses on removing the root cause of the condition
Since PCOS is a lifestyle disorder, it can be overcome by lifestyle and diet changes
A holistic approach with a combination of diet, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and Nature Cure therapies work together on eliminating the cause of the disease
While medicines can leave toxic residues in your body, or some side-effects, Nature Cure’s simple changes in diet & lifestyle bear no side-effects
Nature Cue’s wholesome, plant-based diet helps detoxify your body, which helps in healing.
Include more wholesome foods in your diet
Try to include more fiber-rich foods in your daily diet
Eat Natural foods-fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds
Switch to a low fat, dairy-free diet
Avoid packaged & processed foods
Do regular physical exercises
Practice Yoga & meditation
Detox regularly to help balance your hormones
Natural therapies such as daily Sunbathing, Water-baths & wet packs help relieve PCOS pain & other symptoms. Top 5 Effective Natural Healing Methods
All these can be highly effective in preventing and reversing the disorder.
Start early, Don’t Ignore the Symptoms. Talk & Spread Awareness about PCOS.
Learn a step-by-step process to reverse PCOS at our Goodbye PCOS Online Program
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